Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day #36: Hale

Today is an absolutely awesome holiday that more people need to celebrate. You'll have to play today's word to figure out which one I'm talking about!

Also remember, only four more days (including today!) until a winner is chosen! Get your entries in now!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day #34: Gimcrack

It's cyber monday! Practice your F5 skills and get yourself some gimcracks!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day #33: Foetoscope

Did you know that the day after Thanksgiving is also the National Day of Listening? If you happened to have a foetoscope lying around, there's something pretty cool you could listen to! What is it, you ask? You'll have to play to find out!

Plus, this is just a fun one to say! Foetoscope! If I made the pronunciation key, this one would be "feet-o-scope!"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day #32: Promethean

Ah, Small Business Saturday, now if there's going to be a holiday based around shopping, this is the one I'm behind! Stand up for your local businesses, support some great people and get some awesome stuff all at the same time by learning today's word. You can tell the people working there about how promethean they are!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day #31: Demotic

So, did you have a good Thanksgiving? Did you celebrate your unique talent(s)? Well, if one of your unique talents is being able to survive gigantic crowds, pushy people and a gauntlet of chaos then Black Friday is the day for you! Here's a new word to help you celebrate it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day #30: Gormandizing

I'm just gonna send this one quickly, no wit today, I wanna go eat turkey! We famous announcers eat a lot on Thanksgiving too!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Days #28 (Brumal) and #29 (Xenophobia)

It's Doctor Who Day today! No better way to celebrate than to play today's word, and you know it!

And as for yesterday (Day #28)... Definitely a very fitting word for this time of year!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day #27: Ameliorate

Today is World Hello Day! Saying hello to someone does a lot of good for everyone - it makes you a more confident, outgoing person and it brightens up someone's day! Imagine if everyone you bumped into or came across greeted you, you'd feel special! Make everyone feel special today and every day!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day #25: Ordure

And here is another easily misheard word that you can sound extra smart for using; just laugh and remind them that they're wrong and their vocabulary needs to be increased! It is ALSO a holiday today though, so you get two for the price of one today!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day #23: Ennui

Is your day filled with ennui? If you don't know what it means, or you do know what it means and your day IS filled with ennui, come play today's word to learn what it is, and to help fight off that dreadful ennui...

And if your day isn't filled with it, keep battling it off by playing ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day #22: Genethliac

A very happy birthday to Angelique Drummond, co-developer of MDW (often doing writing and always supportive!) Today's word is for her:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day #19: Choler

Today is yet another awesome holiday? Oh, but it's a secret until the game is over, huh? Okay then, I guess you'll have to play it to find out, and to learn today's word!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day #18: Bonhomous

Be bonhomous today with today's word, bonhomous! The best way to get the world happier and friendlier is to be friendlier and happier yourself! Learn today's word to find out how.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day #16: Philomath

I know, I know, any word that has "math" in it may sound scary, but this one is awesome! Plus, here's a bonus reason to listen: hear me try to pull off a Dr. Doofenshmirtz accent from Phineas and Ferb!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day #15: Pedagogue

Some of you may actually be seeing a pedagogue today, so it'll be super easy to use it today! In fact, I bet if you call them a pedagogue it'll impress them! Give today's word a play, then let me know later how you used it :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Days #13 (Otiose) and #14 (Pungent)

Oops... Forgot to post yesterday's word here. I got it on Facebook but forgot to do anything else with it! So here are both; and since I forgot, you can even make up a story for yesterday's word (otiose) on how you would use it, then submit that!

Day #13:

Day #14:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day #12: Ratiocinator

Captain's log, stardate 11-6-11. I... have found... a very huge word... and I... don't know what it means! It appears I... must... play some hilarious game... to figure it out! Bones, can you help?

Dang it, Jim, I'm a doctor not a linguist! Just play the game!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day #11: Quincunx

A new one here for people who play any sort of game involving dice rolling... Board gamers and RPG lovers I'm looking at you!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day #9: Bromide

Even negative traits can be sold with the proper wording... Don't be such a bromide, play today's word! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day #8: Edacious

Happy Cookie Monster Day everyone! Today's word definitely celebrates the blue monster, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day #7: Carfax

The commercials are pretty popular, "show me the carfax." But carfax meant something long before the vehicle report came about... What did it mean before?